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Two tutorials will be held in simultaneously on Sunday 16th October 2016 from 14:00 to 17:00. A fee of US$ 50.00 will be charged. Payment can be made directly at the conference site. As we have a limited number of spaces (50) the criteria will be "first-come, first-served basis." Any questions, contact PFRIBEIRO@IEEE.ORG.
Philip Ciufo, Sarath Perera
Australian Power Quality and Reliability Centre
University of Wollongong
This tutorial will examine the economic impact of power quality (PQ) on customers and network operators. The economic impact of PQ is related to the impact of PQ on equipment. Impacts of PQ on equipment, which lead to economic impact, include catastrophic failure, long term loss of life, increased losses (and hence reduced efficiency) and simple maloperation. Whilst the impact of network outages on equipment is immediate and well understood, the precise impacts of PQ disturbances on equipment is less well understood, particularly for disturbances where the impact is subtle and might occur over long periods of time.
The ability to better understand the impact of PQ on equipment and to place an economic cost on PQ is highly important. By better understanding of PQ impact on equipment, the calculation of the economic impact as well as an informed review of PQ limits and allocation strategies, whether it be to loosen or tighten limits, can take place. Understanding of the economic impact of PQ allows justification of expenditure on PQ programs.
The tutorial will examine the potential impact on equipment (both customer and network) and hence economic impacts of the following disturbances:
• Steady state RMS voltage
• Voltage unbalance
• Voltage harmonics
• Voltage sags and interruptions
The main objectives for this tutorial are to:
• Provide a qualitative overview of the impacts of PQ on equipment
• Summarise the quantitative economic impacts of PQ
• Illustrate the areas of PQ impact on equipment which are not well defined an are in need of further study
• Discuss the ongoing research being conducted to better understand the impacts of PQ on network and customer equipment as well as methods for determining economic impact
Math Bollen, Luleå University of Technology, Skellefteå, Sweden.
Roberto Leborgne, Federal University Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Ying Wang, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China.
Duration: 3 hours
Voltage dips are an important power quality disturbance. It remains the one that is of most interest to industrial customers and the costs due to production stoppages remain high. Although the amount of research on the subject has been reducing the last few years, there is no reason yet to forget about the subject as far from all problems related to voltage dips have been solved. Voltage dips also remain important in standardization, regulation and when setting requirements for fault-ride-through.
This tutorial will cover the classical theory on voltage dips as was introduced some 15 years ago, but also discuss some of the more recent developments.
The following subjects will be addressed:
Origin and propagation of voltage dips; three-phase classification of dips.
Voltage dip characterization; standard methods; limitations in standard methods; on-going developments.
Stochastic prediction of voltage dips.
Impact of voltage dips on equipment; mitigation methods; process-immunity time.
Recent developments in standardization, regulation and research.
Open research questions.
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